The Eduvation Network

Integrating ICTs in teaching and learning Level 1

R2,500.00 including VAT



Whether you’re an in-service teacher with years’ experience, or a pre-service teaching student, a lecturer at a higher education institution or an education department official – we all have at least one thing in common: making sense of technology! More gadgets and devices are available in schools today than ever before. We live in a world of social media and virtual reality, off-world explorations and even a new Space Force (or so we’re told!) In this world, many educators wonder how to teach with technology to achieve the wonderful possibilities devices and online tools offer.

This Limina course was designed to prepare educators from all walks of life with the basic tools to understand and plan for 21st century teaching and learning. When you’re done, you’ll know not only how to create and build websites, presentations and eBooks, but also which pedagogies suit 21st century learning and how you can take charge of change.

You can expect many things from this Limina course.  Expect to learn through doing. All Limina courses are designed to include active learning, so expect to make and create pedagogic tools to use with your students or colleagues.

Limina courses are also about professional learning. So you can also expect to learn about pedagogies because we know that learning improves when teaching improves.

At Limina, we also believe, as John Dewey did, that we don’t learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience. (Remember the Dewey Decimal System? It’s that guy!) So we included many opportunities for reflection.

Lastly, our Limina courses are all about changing what you’re doing in your class. Do you know that many small changes add up to HUGE changes? All our courses are in one way or another about change, and how to make small changes that add up to HUGE ones. You can therefore  expect to be planning change and learning how to manage it right there in your class or office.

That’s pretty much it. If you’re excited to do a playful, make and create course to learn how to integrate ICTs and change your teaching and learning, this course is yours!

What you’ll need:

  • A working laptop – yes a tablet computer may work, but there’s so much you cannot do as well on a tablet (yet).
  • Internet connectivity – if you don’t have internet at home, a weekly Mugg ‘n Bean visit may help … they have free Wifi!
  • Laughter and patience – lots of it! We’re here to have fun as we learn but this may take time


  • Skills – you’ll need the basics like typing, using a mouse and searching online. This course isn’t for beginner users. (If this is you, we’ve got another one just for you!)


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