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Writing Business School Assignments & Exams

R648.95 including VAT

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Writing Business School Assignments and Exams:

If you are enrolled in a Business School programme at any level, whether you pass or fail or whether you get a distinction or not, will depend on the quality of your assignments, and where applicable, exam answers.

While each lecturer will provide you with the content that is required in an assignment or exam, the way in which you structure an assignment and the language you use is just as important as the content. The best assignments and exam answers at Business Schools are those that are persuasive and impactful and have both practical application and theoretical rigor.

This short course will provide you with tips on writing assignments and exams, give you various structures that you can use for maximum impact and guide you on the kind of language that will help the marker understand what you are trying to say. The course information should be with you whenever you write an assignment and a checklist is provided to let you review your assignment when you have finished.

If you follow the guidelines provided and apply the structures to your assignments and exams you will find writing the assignments quicker and easier to complete and the end result will be powerful and persuasive.

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